The Shadow of God Wikia

The Arthadë are much like the Rona in appearance, though years of Laurëan dominance has led to the disappearance of the Adanic ears.  Their bright eyes and dark hair betray their Adanic roots from before the rule of the Laurë Reya.  By far the most defiant of the Saint-Emperor’s subjects, the Arthadë are hated by the Laurë, for they alone threw off the conqueror’s yoke and placed one of their native sons in the Reya’s seat.

The Arthadë clan is as old as Mallanë and Lenorë.  One of the ancient Kingdoms, the Arthadë were Adanic wanderers who traveled between the groves of their ancestors.  But this was brought to an end when the Saint-Emperor conquered the west.  The Arthadë defied his conversion attempts, being fierce pagans.  And they suffered the near genocide of their culture and upper castes as a result.  Thousands of rebels were enslaved.  Women were raped and given as wives to Laurë retainers.  Men were tethered to the fields and forced to learn the ways of farming.  Those who continued the old way were executed by the clan.

All seemed bleak until the rise of the rebel Reya, Elemer Sethanos.  The Crowned Son of Arthadë reconquered the Arthadë clan with his host of Rona and Adanë outcasts, and rallied the loyal armies of Arthadë.  They broke free and established a delicate culture of Ecclesian and Pagan religions.  His new clan was agricultural but maintained the old ways of wandering for the tribes that supported the rebel Reya.

As a result, the values of the new nation are based on Adanic egalitarianism and their sexuality reflects Rona sensibilities.  But the Reya remains Laurë in authority and religion.  This fact causes much tension in the lands.  Arthadë lower castes wear Adanic clothing but the nobility still wear the Laurëan nobility’s style.
